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French Railroad Colours for use in Trainz
These colors are meant as a guide only and may not be suitable for all situations.
Colour Sample |
Colour Name |
RGB Index |
Hex Code |
203 Bleu Roi | 060.072.085 | #3c4855 | |
204 Bleu Nuit | 056.068.087 | #384457 | |
205 Bleu Clair | 076.098.111 | #4c626f | |
206 Bleu Foncé Diesel | 067.074.078 | #434a4e | |
207 Bleu TEN | 055.068.092 | #37445c | |
208 Bleu Anglais | 053.107.132 | #356b84 | |
209 Bleu Turquin | 050.082.110 | #32526e | |
210 Bleu Lazare | 049.094.135 | #315e87 | |
221 Bleu Clair TGV | 200.219.232 | #c8dbe8 | |
222 Bleu Foncé TGV | 063.081.092 | #3f515c | |
225 Bleu Gigue | 054.084.121 | #365479 | |
226 Bleu Royal | 059.066.089 | #3b4259 | |
227 Bleu Alpin | 064.073.083 | #404953 | |
228 Bleu Onyx | 055.072.092 | #37485c | |
229 Bleu Isabelle | 000.140.177 | #008cb1 | |
230 Bleu Celeste | 192.215.222 | #c0d7de | |
231 Bleu de Provence | 121.156.180 | #799cb4 | |
232 Bleu Atlantique | 056.094.150 | #385e96 | |
233 Bleu Avocette | 061.069.073 | #3d4549 | |
235 Bleu Lapis Lazulli | 055.065.075 | #37414b | |
237 Parme | 144.157.199 | #909dc7 | |
238 Bleu Profond | 056.096.142 | #38608e | |
239 Bleu Institution | 048.076.121 | #304c79 | |
240 Bleu Pastel | 214.233.229 | #d6e9e5 | |
241 Bleu Horizon | 105.160.172 | #69a0ac | |
242 Bleu Crepuscule | 061.083.089 | #3d5359 | |
243 Bleu Grisé | 097.129.138 | #61818a | |
247 Bleu Abysse | 069.099.121 | #456379 | |
301 Vert Celtique | 070.075.070 | #464b46 | |
302 Vert Garrigue | 076.079.068 | #4c4f44 | |
308 Vert Sapin | 058.067.063 | #3a433f | |
309 Vert Reseda | 114.137.110 | #72896e | |
310 Vert Foncé | 086.097.082 | #566152 | |
312 Vert Bleuté Foncé | 077.098.089 | #4d6259 | |
313 Vert Bleuté Clair | 090.120.108 | #5a786c | |
316 Vert Amer | 138.141.120 | #8a8d78 | |
317 Vert Signal | 128.161.070 | #80a146 | |
318 Vert Menthe | 170.184.068 | #aab844 | |
320 Vert Olive Foncé | 084.083.074 | #54534a | |
321 Vert Perroquet | 049.158.084 | #319e54 | |
323 Vert Jade | 034.146.098 | #229262 | |
324 Vert Lagon | 069.178.171 | #45b2ab | |
325 Vert Emereaude | 077.118.073 | #4d7649 | |
326 Vert Alize | 127.195.190 | #7fc3be | |
327 Vert Pomme | 130.197.107 | #82c56b | |
328 Vert Sycomore | 092.143.141 | #5c8f8d | |
329 Vert Tilleul | 139.176.171 | #8bb0ab | |
350 Vert Océan | 078.196.164 | #4ec4a4 | |
401 Jaune Jonquille | 247.184.072 | #f7b848 | |
402 Jaune Soleil | 191.119.067 | #bf7743 | |
403 Jaune Sablon | 202.187.152 | #cabb98 | |
407 Crème | 222.200.150 | #dec896 | |
408 Jaune Limon | 185.158.108 | #b99e6c | |
409 Jaune d’érable | 189.157.119 | #bd9d77 | |
415 Jvoire ETG | 217.209.193 | #d9d1c1 | |
416 Jvoire WC | 241.223.194 | #f1dfc2 | |
417 Vison | 195.169.139 | #c3a98b | |
419 Citronnelle | 236.224.183 | #ece0b7 | |
423 Ocre | 239.147.089 | #ef9359 | |
425 Jaune Maïs | 239.166.086 | #efa656 | |
426 Mandarine | 225.122.079 | #e17a4f | |
430 Beige Noisette | 148.116.085 | #947455 | |
431 Beige Pyrénées | 200.183.162 | #c8b7a2 | |
432 Chamois | 213.125.058 | #d57d3a | |
433 Coquille d’oeuf | 239.221.194 | #efddc2 | |
434 Uni Dune | 225.206.182 | #e1ceb6 | |
435 Orange TGV | 221.111.068 | #dd6f44 | |
436 Ambre Clair | 183.143.112 | #b78f70 | |
437 Beige Foncé | 172.157.143 | #ac9d8f | |
438 Beige Clair | 208.194.176 | #d0c2b0 | |
439 Jaune Lithos | 240.172.024 | #f0ac18 | |
440 Jaune Souci | 240.131.031 | #f0831f | |
441 Jaune Bar | 255.172.046 | #ffac2e | |
442 Jaune Doré | 205.155.059 | #cd9b3b | |
444 Jaune d’or | 251.155.039 | #fb9b27 | |
445 Jaune Tournesol | 253.180.093 | #fdb45d | |
447 Brume | 218.208.204 | #dad0cc | |
448 Beige Rosé | 246.225.211 | #f6e1d3 | |
449 Jaune Champagne | 253.225.200 | #fde1c8 | |
452 Beige Métallisé | 178.166.157 | #b2a69d | |
453 Pêche | 250.222.197 | #fadec5 | |
454 Clementine | 249.181.143 | #f9b58f | |
455 Isard | 229.213.202 | #e5d5ca | |
501 Havane Foncé | 070.062.062 | #463e3e | |
502 Brun Tapis | 107.082.072 | #6b5248 | |
503 Brun Pyrénées | 138.102.076 | #8a664c | |
505 Brun Brazil | 085.067.065 | #554341 | |
508 Chataigne | 119.088.069 | #775845 | |
517 Brun Acajou | 126.077.065 | #7e4d41 | |
518 Havane TGV | 145.109.087 | #916d57 | |
519 Brun Harmonie | 079.069.064 | #4f4540 | |
520 Marron Angola | 081.073.070 | #514946 | |
521 Noisette | 103.079.070 | #674f46 | |
522 Tabac | 124.084.066 | #7c5442 | |
602 Rouge Capitole | 106.057.061 | #6a393d | |
605 Rouge Vermillon | 167.054.056 | #a73638 | |
606 Rouge Wagon | 122.066.062 | #7a423e | |
607 Pavot | 211.091.072 | #d35b48 | |
608 Rouge Géranium | 175.065.067 | #af4143 | |
609 Rouge Cornaline | 184.056.057 | #b83839 | |
610 Rouge Interdiction | 221.082.074 | #dd524a | |
611 Rouge Club | 199.090.104 | #c75a68 | |
613 Rouge Brique | 127.060.061 | #7f3c3d | |
614 Rouge Grenadine | 192.085.093 | #c0555d | |
616 Rouge Terracotta | 154.077.066 | #9a4d42 | |
618 Rouge Joubarbe | 161.139.141 | #a18b8d | |
619 Rouge Europe Métallisé | 120.059.066 | #783b42 | |
620 Garance | 245.169.149 | #f5a995 | |
621 Mauve | 116.109.122 | #746d7a | |
622 Mauve Foncé | 086.091.103 | #565b67 | |
624 Rouge Clair | 186.057.056 | #ba3938 | |
701 Blanc | 246.247.240 | #f6f7f0 | |
704 Blanc Cassé | 229.227.218 | #e5e3da | |
705 Blanc Touraine | 223.219.213 | #dfdbd5 | |
706 Blanc Polaire | 233.234.232 | #e9eae8 | |
708 Blanc Grisâtre | 219.221.216 | #dbddd8 | |
709 Blanc Argent | 207.208.205 | #cfd0cd | |
710 Blanc Albatre | 227.234.233 | #e3eae9 | |
712 Blanc Écume | 236.237.228 | #ecede4 | |
713 Blanc Orchidée | 244.235.219 | #f4ebdb | |
801 Gris Trianon | 198.189.171 | #c6bdab | |
804 Gris Béton | 161.158.146 | #a19e92 | |
805 Gris Beige Clair | 190.186.173 | #bebaad | |
806 Gris Argent | 193.193.188 | #c1c1bc | |
807 Gris Ardoise | 091.096.095 | #5b605f | |
808 Gris Foncé | 087.087.089 | #575759 | |
809 Gris Moyen | 185.190.187 | #b9bebb | |
812 Gris Artillerie | 108.108.103 | #6c6c67 | |
813 Gris Flamand | 214.215.204 | #d6d7ba | |
814 Gris Argile | 214.205.186 | #d6cdba | |
835 Gris Beige Rosé | 129.108.093 | #816c5d | |
837 Gris Bleuté Foncé | 111.118.126 | #6f767e | |
838 Gris Bleuté | 130.136.140 | #82888c | |
840 Gris Tourterelle | 148.155.145 | #949b91 | |
841 Gris Uni Sable | 189.171.153 | #bdab99 | |
842 Gris Perle | 227.221.210 | #e3ddd2 | |
843 Gris Rosé | 181.176.177 | #b5b0b1 | |
844 Gris Orage | 109.109.108 | #6d6d6c | |
845 Gris Fumée | 081.077.075 | #514d4b | |
846 Gris Bleuâtre | 097.115.128 | #617380 | |
847 Gris Rocaille | 124.116.105 | #7c7469 | |
848 Gris Capucin | 101.100.097 | #656461 | |
849 Gris Neutre | 090.096.097 | #5a6061 | |
850 Gris Velout | 097.091.085 | #615b55 | |
853 Gris Pastel | 207.199.189 | #cfc7bd | |
854 Gris Clair de Lune | 170.162.151 | #aaa297 | |
855 Gris Éléphant | 158.149.139 | #9e958b | |
856 Gris Souris | 131.122.113 | #837a71 | |
857 Gris Spalombe | 146.148.148 | #929494 | |
859 Gris Opale | 203.206.206 | #cbcece |
Colour Sample Disclaimer
Due to the many variations in monitors and browsers, color samples can and will vary to some degree in appearance on different monitors. Computer monitors are not all calibrated equally and color reproduction on the Internet is not precise. Since it is not possible to guarantee my online colors will look the same on all computers, I do not guarantee that what you see accurately portrays the color of the actual railroad company. I have done my very best to make sure these samples are as close to the original as possible, but I cannot guarantee that what you see is an exact sample.
Please note :
The RGB Index codes I have used to produce these samples originally came from the now defunct Phil Campbell website “World of Trainz”. That said Phil never provided the Hex Codes as I have, so once again, while I have done my very best to make sure these codes are as accurate as possible, I cannot guarantee that they are 100% error free.
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