Project Currently In Progress

Series 3 BTC Tipples
Double Hopper Style

This project came about as part of my desire to learn Blender, and in an effort to get back up to date with the latest asset creation standards.

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Series 3 BTC Double Hopper Tipples

Project  History and Description

Initial Inspiration

For those of you that don’t know much about me I started my Trainz journey way back in 2004 and rather quickly realised that I wanted to explore the world of asset creation for myself. At the time I was attending meetings of the South East Queensland Trainz User Group, which was generously hosted by a gentleman who has been a prolific creator within the community, that gentleman being Ian Manion (Vulcan)

Why I create Coal Tipples

The reason I bring Ian up is that he had some of his assets included with the release of TRS2004, and one of them was his “Coal Tipple TRS New”. When this model was initially added to TRS2004, Auran made some adjustments to the heights of the model which caused the steps of the model to not correctly align to the ground. Obviously Ian has corrected the error in the misalignment, but at the time I saw this as an opportunity to learn the dark art of 3D modelling. Starting initially with GMax and then progressing into 3dsMax, and now beginning my journey into Blender, Ian’s original tipple model has always been the inspiration for, and the asset I use to explore any new 3D software package and embark on my learning curves.

Where My Tipples Started

For anyone that remembers my series 2 tipples, you will know that there were 45 tipples in total, separated in groups of 15 single hopper, 15 double hopper and 15 twin hopper style tipples

Multiple Loading Tracks

Now while my set of tipples extends out to four track tipples it is important to realise that at the moment the only commodity they load is the Auran built-in commodity “Coal” <kuid:44179:60013>. The reason I decided to create tipples that had multiple loading tracks was that I realise that there are many different types of coal products that are appropriate for sorting and loading by tipples, and It is my intention at some time to add different assets or types of coal loads available at these tipples. The only problem I see at the moment is that there are very few industries that use the different coal loads available from Content Manager.

Decisions about Series 3 Tipples

My series 3 tipples will be somewhat different, with my series 2 tipples I continued to used Ian’s original geometry, with the track aligned on the Y axis and the structure at (+4 and -4) on the X axis. This worked just fine for a single track tipple, it did however make the track configurations somewhat difficult on some of the multiple loading tracks I ended up creating, so I have made a minor change to the geometry, meaning that the tracks still follow the Y axis but the structures are now at (+5 and -5) on the X axis.

I also believe I made a simple mistake on my series 2 tipples in that my track numbers ran from right to left rather than the more sensible left to right which I will correct in series 3.

Even though my favorite tipple style was the twin hopper set, at present I am only working on creating the slightly more simple single hopper tipples, and all up with the new configurations of load location and door and walkway position there will be a total of 300 models in just the single hopper style.

Future Expansion

So I am not sure yet whether I will extend the series to the double or twin hopper styles. I don’t know if it’s just me, or is the idea of 900 different tipples a little bit extreme? That said I have already created the base models needed for both the double hopper and the twin hopper single track tipples in Blender, so who knows where this might go.

News as of 15/08/2024

Just a hint though, out of the three tipple styles I created my personal favorite is this one, the “Twin Hopper” and as you might have noticed from the pages available I have obviously started the modelling process of the twin hopper set  and now the double hopper set of tipples, so I guess I am heading for 900 tipples.

Configuration Explanation

With my series 2 tipples you may recall that there were a total of 45 tipples in the set, broken down as follows.
Please note the text in the blue brackets shows the new tipple configuration blocks used in the “Series 3” descriptions.

In Series 2 there were three tipple styles.

1. Single Hopper – (3S)
2. Double Hopper – (3D)
3. Twin Hopper – (3T)

And 15 different track configurations

1. Single Track – (1A)
2. Double Track 5M – (2A),
3. Double Track 10M – (2B)
4. Triple Track 5M – (3A),
5. Triple Track 1+2 – (3B),
6. Triple Track 2+1 – (3C),
7. Triple Track 10M – (3D)
8. Four Track 5M – (4A),
9. Four Track 1+3 – (4B),
10. Four Track 2+2 – (4C),
11. Four Track 3+1 – (4D)
12. Four Track 1+1+2 – (4E),
13. Four Track 1+2+1 – (4F),
14. Four Track 2+1+1 – (4G),
15. Four Track 10M – (4H)


Well as I have mentioned already there is a bit of a change with this new series of tipples, in fact these changes mean there is going to be an extra 300 models just in this twin hopper style tipple set, these new tipples will have a couple of new configuration option.

Additional Configuration Options

All 15 track configurations will have four different load variations.
1. No Visible Load – (NV).
2. Load Front Right – (FR).
3. Load Front Left – (FL).
4. Load Rear Right – (RR).
5. Load Rear Left – (RL).

And the different load variations will have 4 different door and walkway options.
1. No Doors or Walkways – (ND).
2. Door and Walkway Right – (RD).
3. Door and Walkway Left – (LD).
4. Doors and Walkways Left and Right – (LR).

So with 300 individual tipples in the single hopper set and now 300 tipples in the twin hopper set and now yet another 300 in the double hopper set, I realised that I would need a system to differentiate these assets with a simple description. In order to make this as easy as I could I have introduced a four block alpha/numeric descriptor for all series 3 tipples.

So in Trainz Surveyor these tipples will appear something like the example below:

BTC Tipple 3D-2A-FR-LR

So in this example lets break down the Alpha/Numeric description into its four blocks.

Block 1 – “3D” – Series and Type

The 3 designates that this is a series 3 tipple.
The D means that this is a double hopper tipple.

Block 2 – “2A” – Track Configuration

The 2 shows that this is a two track tipple.
The A refers to the track configuration, type A refers to 5 meter spacing of tracks.

Block 3 – “FR” – Load Location

The F shows that the load is at the front of the tipple.
The R indicates that the load is on the right.

Block 4 – “LR” – Doors and Walkways

The L means that there is a door and walkway on the left.
The R means that there is a door and walkway on the right.

No Visible Load

3D -1A-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278301:1>
3D-1A-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278302:1>
3D-1A-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278303:1>
3D-1A-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278304:1>

Load Front Right

3D-1A-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278305:1>
3D-1A-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278306:1>
3D-1A-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278307:1>
3D-1A-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278308:1>

Load Front Left

3D-1A-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278309:1>
3D-1A-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278310:1>
3D-1A-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278311:1>
3D-1A-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278312:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-1A-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278313:1>
3D-1A-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278314:1>
3D-1A-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278315:1>
3D-1A-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278316:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-1A-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278317:1>
3D-1A-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278318:1>
3D-1A-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278319:1>
3D-1A-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278320:1>

Double Hopper Double Track Tipples 5M (2A)

No Visible Load

3D-2A-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278321:1>
3D-2A-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278322:1>
3D-2A-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278323:1>
3D-2A-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278324:1>

Load Front Right

3D-2A-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278325:1>
3D-2A-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278326:1>
3D-2A-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278327:1>
3D-2A-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278328:1>

Load Front Left

3D-2A-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278329:1>
3D-2A-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278330:1>
3D-2A-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278331:1>
3D-2A-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278332:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-2A-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278333:1>
3D-2A-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278334:1>
3D-2A-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278335:1>
3D-2A-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278336:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-2A-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278337:1>
3D-2A-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278338:1>
3D-2A-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278339:1>
3D-2A-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278340:1>

No Visible Load

3D-2B-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278341:1>
3D-2B-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278342:1>
3D-2B-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278343:1>
3D-2B-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278344:1>

Load Front Right

3D-2B-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278345:1>
3D-2B-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278346:1>
3D-2B-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278347:1>
3D-2B-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278348:1>

Load Front Left

3D-2B-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278349:1>
3D-2B-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278350:1>
3D-2B-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278351:1>
3D-2B-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278352:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-2B-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278353:1>
3D-2B-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278354:1>
3D-2B-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278355:1>
3D-2B-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278356:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-2B-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278357:1>
3D-2B-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278358:1>
3D-2B-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278359:1>
3D-2B-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278360:1>

Double Hopper Double Track Tipples 10M (2B)

Double Hopper Triple Track Tipples 5M (3A)

No Visible Load

3D-3A-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278361:1>
3D-3A-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278362:1>
3D-3A-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278363:1>
3D-3A-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278364:1>

Load Front Right

3D-3A-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278365:1>
3D-3A-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278366:1>
3D-3A-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278367:1>
3D-3A-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278368:1>

Load Front Left

3D-3A-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278369:1>
3D-3A-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278370:1>
3D-3A-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278371:1>
3D-3A-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278372:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-3A-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278373:1>
3D-3A-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278374:1>
3D-3A-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278375:1>
3D-3A-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278376:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-3A-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278377:1>
3D-3A-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278378:1>
3D-3A-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278379:1>
3D-3A-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278380:1>

No Visible Load

3D-3B-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278381:1>
3D-3B-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278382:1>
3D-3B-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278383:1>
3D-3B-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278384:1>

Load Front Right

3D-3B-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278385:1>
3D-3B-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278386:1>
3D-3B-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278387:1>
3D-3B-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278388:1>

Load Front Left

3D-3B-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278389:1>
3D-3B-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278390:1>
3D-3B-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278391:1>
3D-3B-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278392:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-3B-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278393:1>
3D-3B-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278394:1>
3D-3B-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278395:1>
3D-3B-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278396:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-3B-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278397:1>
3D-3B-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278398:1>
3D-3B-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278399:1>
3D-3B-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278400:1>

Double Hopper Triple Track Tipples 1+2 (3B)

Double Hopper Triple Track Tipples 2+1 (3C)

No Visible Load

3D-3C-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278401:1>
3D-3C-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278402:1>
3D-3C-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278403:1>
3D-3C-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278404:1>

Load Front Right

3D-3C-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278405:1>
3D-3C-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278406:1>
3D-3C-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278407:1>
3D-3C-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278408:1>

Load Front Left

3D-3C-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278409:1>
3D-3C-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278410:1>
3D-3C-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278411:1>
3D-3C-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278412:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-3C-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278413:1>
3D-3C-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278414:1>
3D-3C-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278415:1>
3D-3C-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278416:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-3C-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278417:1>
3D-3C-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278418:1>
3D-3C-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278419:1>
3D-3C-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278420:1>

No Visible Load

3D-3D-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278421:1>
3D-3D-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278422:1>
3D-3D-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278423:1>
3D-3D-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278424:1>

Load Front Right

3D-3D-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278425:1>
3D-3D-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278426:1>
3D-3D-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278427:1>
3D-3D-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278428:1>

Load Front Left

3D-3D-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278429:1>
3D-3D-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278430:1>
3D-3D-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278431:1>
3D-3D-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278432:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-3D-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278433:1>
3D-3D-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278434:1>
3D-3D-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278435:1>
3D-3D-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278436:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-3D-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278437:1>
3D-3D-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278438:1>
3D-3D-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278439:1>
3D-3D-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278440:1>

Double Hopper Triple Track Tipples 10M (3D)

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 5M (4A)

No Visible Load

3D-4A-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278441:1>
3D-4A-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278442:1>
3D-4A-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278443:1>
3D-4A-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278444:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4A-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278445:1>
3D-4A-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278446:1>
3D-4A-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278447:1>
3D-4A-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278448:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4A-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278449:1>
3D-4A-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278450:1>
3D-4A-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278451:1>
3D-4A-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278452:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4A-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278453:1>
3D-4A-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278454:1>
3D-4A-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278455:1>
3D-4A-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278456:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4A-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278457:1>
3D-4A-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278458:1>
3D-4A-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278459:1>
3D-4A-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278460:1>

No Visible Load

3D-4B-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278461:1>
3D-4B-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278462:1>
3D-4B-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278463:1>
3D-4B-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278464:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4B-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278465:1>
3D-4B-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278466:1>
3D-4B-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278467:1>
3D-4B-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278468:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4B-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278469:1>
3D-4B-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278470:1>
3D-4B-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278471:1>
3D-4B-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278472:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4B-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278473:1>
3D-4B-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278474:1>
3D-4B-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278475:1>
3D-4B-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278476:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4B-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278477:1>
3D-4B-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278478:1>
3D-4B-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278479:1>
3D-4B-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278480:1>

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 1+3 (4B)

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 2+2 (4C)

No Visible Load

3D-4C-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278481:1>
3D-4C-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278482:1>
3D-4C-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278483:1>
3D-4C-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278484:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4C-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278485:1>
3D-4C-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278486:1>
3D-4C-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278487:1>
3D-4C-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278488:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4C-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278489:1>
3D-4C-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278490:1>
3D-4C-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278491:1>
3D-4C-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278492:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4C-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278493:1>
3D-4C-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278494:1>
3D-4C-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278495:1>
3D-4C-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278496:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4C-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278497:1>
3D-4C-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278498:1>
3D-4C-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278499:1>
3D-4C-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278500:1>

No Visible Load

3D-4D-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278501:1>
3D-4D-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278502:1>
3D-4D-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278503:1>
3D-4D-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278504:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4D-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278505:1>
3D-4D-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278506:1>
3D-4D-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278507:1>
3D-4D-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278508:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4D-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278509:1>
3D-4D-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278510:1>
3D-4D-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278511:1>
3D-4D-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278512:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4D-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278513:1>
3D-4D-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278514:1>
3D-4D-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278515:1>
3D-4D-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278516:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4D-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278517:1>
3D-4D-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278518:1>
3D-4D-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278519:1>
3D-4D-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278520:1>

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 3+1 (4D)

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 1+1+2 (4E)

No Visible Load

3D-4E-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278521:1>
3D-4E-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278522:1>
3D-4E-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278523:1>
3D-4E-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278524:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4E-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278525:1>
3D-4E-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278526:1>
3D-4E-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278527:1>
3D-4E-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278528:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4E-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278529:1>
3D-4E-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278530:1>
3D-4E-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278531:1>
3D-4E-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278532:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4E-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278533:1>
3D-4E-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278534:1>
3D-4E-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278535:1>
3D-4E-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278536:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4E-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278537:1>
3D-4E-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278538:1>
3D-4E-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278539:1>
3D-4E-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278540:1>

No Visible Load

3D-4F-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278541:1>
3D-4F-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278542:1>
3D-4F-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278543:1>
3D-4F-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278544:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4F-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278545:1>
3D-4F-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278546:1>
3D-4F-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278547:1>
3D-4F-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278548:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4F-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278549:1>
3D-4F-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278550:1>
3D-4F-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278551:1>
3D-4F-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278552:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4F-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278553:1>
3D-4F-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278554:1>
3D-4F-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278555:1>
3D-4F-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278556:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4F-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278557:1>
3D-4F-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278558:1>
3D-4F-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278559:1>
3D-4F-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278860:1>

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 1+2+1 (4F)

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 2+1+1 (4G)

No Visible Load

3D-4G-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278561:1>
3D-4G-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278562:1>
3D-4G-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278563:1>
3D-4G-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278564:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4G-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278565:1>
3D-4G-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278566:1>
3D-4G-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278567:1>
3D-4G-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278568:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4G-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278569:1>
3D-4G-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278570:1>
3D-4G-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278571:1>
3D-4G-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278572:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4G-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278573:1>
3D-4G-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278574:1>
3D-4G-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278575:1>
3D-4G-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278576:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4G-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278577:1>
3D-4G-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278578:1>
3D-4G-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278579:1>
3D-4G-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278580:1>

No Visible Load

3D-4H-NV-ND <kuid2:160942:31278581:1>
3D-4H-NV-RD <kuid2:160942:31278582:1>
3D-4H-NV-LD <kuid2:160942:31278583:1>
3D-4H-NV-LR <kuid2:160942:31278584:1>

Load Front Right

3D-4H-FR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278585:1>
3D-4H-FR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278586:1>
3D-4H-FR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278587:1>
3D-4H-FR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278588:1>

Load Front Left

3D-4H-FL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278589:1>
3D-4H-FL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278590:1>
3D-4H-FL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278591:1>
3D-4H-FL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278592:1>

Load Rear Right

3D-4H-RR-ND <kuid2:160942:31278593:1>
3D-4H-RR-RD <kuid2:160942:31278594:1>
3D-4H-RR-LD <kuid2:160942:31278595:1>
3D-4H-RR-LR <kuid2:160942:31278596:1>

Load Rear Left

3D-4H-RL-ND <kuid2:160942:31278597:1>
3D-4H-RL-RD <kuid2:160942:31278598:1>
3D-4H-RL-LD <kuid2:160942:31278599:1>
3D-4H-RL-LR <kuid2:160942:31278600:1>

Double Hopper Four Track Tipples 10M (4H)

Series 3 Tipple Warning Lights

When I first created the BTC Tipple Warning Lights back in series 2, I designed them to operate in a similar way to a level crossing and to utilise some of (boats) ATLS System assets including:

  1. “ATLS Controller TRS19”
  2. “ATLS Slave(TF) TRS19”
  3. “ATLS Trigger TRS19”

While (boats) ATLS System contains a multitude of great assets, these three were the ones that i required to achieve the desired effect even though they had way more functionality that I would ever require.

So with series 3 bringing some long needed changes I have decided to create some simplified versions of (boats) ATLS assets specifically for the BTC Tipple Warning Lights.

And Because of the new geometry I am using with the Series 3 Tipples there will be a completely new set of warning light assets as well as the attachment tools that make the whole system easy to use.